Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Art of Indian Politics

Most professions are self-defeating in a twisted way. If not self-defeating, they might serve an exactly opposite purpose than what they should ideally do.
There are so many examples to cite. Take doctors for example. We all might have seen signboards dangling in the clinic of our family doctor which says something to the effect of "I take an oath to give you a healthy life and I will always protect you with all my knowledge and dedication". These signboards indicate the basic tenets of medical science which are (1)treating us if we fall sick and (2)ensuring that we remain healthy and avoid diseases. But think of it a bit and you will realize that if everyone stays healthy and no one falls ill then there will be no work left for a doctor. He will be robbed off his job.
So it won't be unfair to say that healthcare as a profession depends solely on people falling sick and becoming diseased. So do you think Doctors really want all of us to stay healthy and never fall sick?

Same goes for the police. Just imagine what will the police do if there are no crimes at all. Suppose all present criminals suddenly become saints and move to the Himalayas and we are left with absolutely no crime?
Most policemen would lose their jobs as there won't be any work left for them. The only thing left to do for the remaining bunch would be verifying addresses and documents for passports and checking licences and registration. So going by this logic, do you think a policeman would wish for all crimes to stop?

And now lets move to the core of this post: Indian politicians. I believe that our politicians have thought of the above much before than me. But they have their own stupid interpretation of it. "If we work for 5 years and bring development then we will be left with nothing to promise during the next elections" seems to be their funda. So they play a double game: they don't work for 5 years so that they can have something to promise after 5 years and while this inactivity is going on they amass tons of illegal money to secure the financial future of their next 7 generations. Its a pretty ridiculous thing to do because most of them are already impotent and stealing for their next 7 generations sounds funny to me, unless they are going to adopt children.

Lets have a look at some of our great politicians who are totally not into corruption:

Here is Mr Sharad Pawar, the President of the International Council for Cricket. (By the way, he is also the Agriculture Minister of India. If you were wondering how food inflation is so low in India and how are food grains not rotting in the FCI godowns...all credit goes to
this champ)

Here is Mr Kalmadi, MP from Pune and the honourable organizer of the Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010. Mr Kalmadi showed the world that India too can host "world class" events by his single act of spending Rs. 4000 on a single roll of toilet paper. He facilitated for foreign athletes to see for themselves that taking a dump in India can be such a "rich" experience.

Numerous allegations have been made against Behen Mayawati but she has always worked for the poor and helped in boosting the economic development of Uttar Pradesh. She created thousands of jobs for sculptors to erect her statues all across UP which spread happiness and joy to the poor!

I leave you with the pictures of two other stalwarts of Indian politics who don't even need an introduction: